Decatur Township Assessor

On-line Property Search

Decatur Township Assessor's Information Disclaimer

The Decatur Township Assessor's Office provides this website as a public service for the use of residents of Decatur Township. We make every attempt to provide accurate and reliable information on this website. However we can make no warranties, either expressed or implied related to the accuracy of data contained herein. Although information is updated periodically, the information contained herein may not accurately reflect the most current data available.

The information contained on this site was compiled from data available at the Decatur Township Assessor's Office solely for the purpose of property assessment in Decatur Township. This information should not be relied upon by anyone as the final determination of ownership of property, market value, and/or for any other purpose without verification of the information with official records on file which may reside at many sources, including offices at Decatur Township and Macon County.

The assessed values and other information may not be certified and may be subject to change without notice before being finalized for submission for taxing purposes. All information contained on this site, including assessed values, are subject to change by the Assessor, the Board of Review, or Illinois’ State equalization processes.

The Decatur Township Assessor assumes no responsibility or liability for any authorized or unauthorized distribution of the information on this site and is not responsible for any claims/damages made based on this information. 


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